I almost deleted this picture, because I hate it so much. I hate that I let myself get that fat. I hate that I didn't even really notice how fat I was getting. I mean, I KNEW I was fat, but when I looked in the mirror I didn't SEE it... truthfully, I think I kind of stopped looking in the mirror at some point. I'd look, I'd brush my hair, and my teeth, but I wouldn't SEE. It is amazing how much your own mind can protect yourself from pain without you even having a conscious say in it! And yes, this picture does cause me pain. This person in the picture isn't a confident person, and isn't a happy person. This person thinks everyone is staring at her, thinking how fat and ugly she is. I'm glad I'm not this person anymore.
The pictures below were taken today. 25 pounds thinner. I'm still way overweight. I am still 215 pounds and 5 foot 4, but I like this girl better. This girl makes more good choices than bad choices. This girl looks in the mirror and can say "I'm moving in the right direction". This girl can feel proud that she's on a healthy journey. This girl is somebody I can live with. I feel very vulnerable posting these photos. Normally I'm trying to hide that stomach, hide those fat arms, and well....just hide. I've made myself a promise though. No more hiding. I have nothing to be ashamed about. I made bad choices and combined with my body type and my metabolism and my health issues, this is what resulted. It didn't happen overnight. It won't come off overnight. As long as I'm heading in the right direction, I'm content. I look forward to the pictures a couple of months from now, and the pictures a couple of months from then, and so on. I'm looking forward to the differences I'll see. It's such hard work, but thinking of it that way, it's almost exciting! I just have to keep up my endurance. The word says "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with
endurance the race God has set before us." This is the race I'm running, in my faith, in my health, in my life. God has set me a race and I just need to keep running it. Blessings, Tanya
endurance the race God has set before us." This is the race I'm running, in my faith, in my health, in my life. God has set me a race and I just need to keep running it. Blessings, Tanya