Thursday, September 23, 2010

Small Miracles.

Okay, so it may not seem like much to most people. It may seem almost laughable to those people who tell fat people to "just not eat so much" and think it's good sound advice. To me, however, tonight was a small miracle.

My husband and I had been squirreling away some cash so we could take our four children to the fair. They rarely get to do something like that because it costs so much to take a family of six anywhere other than taco bell. But we went. The children had that light in their eyes. You with kids know what light I'm talking about. It's that light of unreserved Joy that only a child who thinks the world is a magical place can get. I saw it at times tonight in each of my children. When my 7 year old girl got a necklace with a vial of "fairy dust" tucked into the protective arms of a fairy for the incredible price of only one dollar! when her 13 year old sister helped her "fly" because of it. When my 9 year old son realized he had the money (each child got 10 dollars to spend) to go in the "hamster ball". (it's a blow up plastic ball that is about 5 feet around and they roll around inside it on the water). When my 8 year old got to "win" a giant blow up guitar (everyone is a winner!). I love it. It was magical.

Those weren't my small miracles though. It was simply this. I was at a fair. There was cotton candy. There was something called a "deep fried milky way". That's my favorite candy bar. I'm a sugar addict. All I had was a diet coke. ALL I HAD WAS A DIET COKE! and here's the real miracle. I didn't realize until we were halfway back to the minivan that I hadn't had anything else.

In the past I'd be consumed with what I would eat at the fair, and I'd be miserable and depressed if I left a fair without the largest bag of cotton candy they sell. When Joshua, my husband, told me about the deep fried milky way and said "why don't you just have it? the fair only comes once a year", I was like "bingo... I just got validated. I can go for it" and yet, somehow, someway, by some small miracle, I got out of that fair consuming only a diet coke. I don't even know how it happened.

I actually didn't consume ENOUGH calories today. I had left all these calories for the fair and then I didn't eat them. wow, now that is a dilemma I am NOT used to.

Yes Lord, Small miracles. Thank you. Sometimes it's just grace, pure and simple. It wasn't my willpower. It wasn't my plan. It was just Grace, with a capital G.

Good night, and God bless.